Has - определение. Что такое Has
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Что (кто) такое Has - определение

HAS; Has (disambiguation); HAS (disambiguation)

·- 3d pers. ·sg ·pres. of Have.
II. Has ·- of Have.
High Availability Subsystem (Reference: Bull)
third person singular present of have.



HAS or Has may refer to:

Примеры произношения для Has
1. What has-- What has--
Off-Broadway's Fiddler on the Roof in Yiddish _ Talks at Google
2. has, that has been...
Extra Lives _ Tom Bissell _ Talks at Google
3. has.
The Time of Our Lives _ Tom Brokaw _ Talks at Google
4. has?
I Will Teach You to Be Rich _ Ramit Sethi _ Talks at Google
5. has--
Dan Carlin _ The New Golden Age of Oral Historical Storytelling _ Talks at Google
Примеры употребления для Has
1. Chester has 3,170, Cambridge has 4,700, York has 2,852 and Bristol has 4,180.
2. Russia has nuclear weapons, Pakistan has nuclear weapons, Israel has nuclear weapons, Iraq has used chemical weapons against them.
3. Accessibility, Clinton has concluded, has its benefits.
4. He has has no listed telephone number and has been unreachable for comment.
5. He has been a top manager wherever he has gone, and he has won trophies.